Sunday, 13 July 2014

How To Obtain A Bronzing Tan With Self Tanning Products

By Haywood Hunter

A faux glow of the skin can help you attain a beautiful look and give you the confidence you need. If you want to transform your skin and look gorgeous with a golden bronze look, you can use the best self tanning products. When using the lotions or sprays, you should prepare skin for a perfect tan by showering with exfoliant to clear the debris and dead cells on the skin.

You may also want to apply elbow grease to sooth the body skin. Presence of dead skin cells and other debris on pores can prevent perfect application of your tan lotion product. When using body scrubs, it is essential that you choose the ones that are not oil-base.

If your skin is fair and you need to attain a dark complexion, you can do several applications of light medium shades. Instead of purchasing a dark shade you might want to try the light shades not to end up getting the look you do not desire. It is essential that before you apply any tanning product, you do a patch test in order to see the final color that your skin will attain after the tan process.

Cleaning your skin also removes any oils and debris that could be on pores. Some parts of skin will require special attention especially those that are creased or have folds such as the hands, feet, knees, and elbows. The folded parts of the skin tend to accumulate more debris than other areas.

Although most people can tolerate the sunless tan creams and sprays containing DHA, some people may have sensitive skin that is allergic. The preservatives and fragrances used in those products could cause the skin to irritate or react. When applying the lotions to the legs, torso, and the arms, you can use circular motions to help in preventing a streaky look.

Should you see the skin is darkening too much, you need to take a towel and buff that extra color down. For the facial skin, you should use a product that has soft ingredients since the face is a bit sensitive. There are many formulations of tanner lotions and sprays you find today, and you need to ensure that you get the right formula.

When using traditional creams, they offer most moisturizing option. But again, you need to ensure that you take great care to avoid missing any spots because these creams tend to be non-tinted. You might also use tinted gels that are easy to use but you have to apply them quickly before they dry or cure.

Besides, with the tinted gels, some skin types may find them quite drying. With a good at home tan product, it will allow you to change your skin color to a bronze glow without putting in a lot of substances inside the body. Although some of these tanners may have the dihydroxyacetone, the amounts of this substance are less, and they will only tan body skin for a few days or weeks.

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