Saturday, 29 March 2014

Fort Worth Laser Hair Removal Facts And Information

By Linda Cantrell

Laser hair removal refers to the medical procedure in which lasers are used in removing hair from unwanted areas. The lasers are intense, pulsating beams of light. During the treatment process, there is passing of laser beams through the skin and to follicles. It is the intense heat which damages the follicles of hair and in the process inhibits future growth. For those that live in Fort Worth laser hair removal is done in a number of places and individuals should know what is involved.

People go for hair removal using lasers with the main reason being to remove hairs that are not wanted. Various parts of the body can be treated; upper lips, bikini area, chin, armpits and legs. As a matter of fact, all parts of the body can have hairs removed from them other than eyelids and the areas adjacent to them. There are two main factors that determine level of success; hair color and type of skin.

For instance, this procedure brings best results for light-skinned people who have dark hairs. This is because the lasers target melanin. This is the pigment that is responsible for color of the hair. However, with advances in technology, it has become possible to treat people with hair that is lighter. Persons with gray, blond or red hairs will not benefit as much from the procedure. Treatment options people who have lighter hairs are still under investigations.

Lasers do not guarantee permanent removal of hairs. Some hair tends to be resistant to treatment, with others starting to grow again after treatment. The re-growing hairs are however finer and lighter. The side effects that most people suffer from are skin irritation and change of pigment. Irritation of the skin causes redness, swelling and discomfort. These effects are temporary and will disappear after some time.

Pigment changes will make affected sections of the skin to get darker or lighter. This also occurs on a temporary basis. Skin lightening is only experienced in persons with dark skins. It comes as result of using incorrect laser setting. There are other side effects that are rarely experienced, notably scarring, crusting, blistering and change in skin texture. The area around the eyelids is never treated using lasers because it is prone to severe injury.

There should be choice of the best professionals for the procedure. Doctors chosen should be certified and licensed in dermatology or cosmetic surgery. They should have necessary experience. There is the option of going for treatment from spas and salons, but this would need extra caution.

Before the procedure, one should schedule consultation with their doctor. During this visit, the doctor will review the medical history of the individual, including use of medications. They will discuss the possible risks and complications, plus what the procedure is able to achieve. Also discussed are tips for preparing for treatment.

After treatment, there may be some redness and swelling for a few hours. Application of ice to the affected areas will reduce any discomfort. Steroid creams are applied to the skin in the event that one experiences skin reaction immediately after treatment. People are advised to avoid exposure to the sun and use sunscreen whenever they are in the sun.

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